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Aftercare for Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP) is important to ensure proper healing and long-lasting results. Here are some general guidelines for SMP aftercare:





  1. Avoid sun exposure: Direct sun exposure can fade the pigments and affect the longevity of SMP. It's crucial to protect your scalp from the sun by wearing a hat or using sunscreen with a high SPF when you are outdoors.

  2. Avoid excessive sweating and exercise: During the initial healing period, it's best to avoid activities that cause excessive sweating or put strain on the scalp. This includes intense exercise, saunas, steam rooms, and hot showers. Sweat and excessive moisture can potentially impact the healing process and the pigments.

  3. Gentle washing: Proper washing is essential to keep the scalp clean and maintain the appearance of SMP. Use a mild, sulfate-free shampoo and lukewarm water to wash your scalp. Gently massage the scalp with your fingertips, avoiding any harsh scrubbing or rubbing. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a clean towel.

  4. Moisturise: Keeping the scalp moisturised can help maintain the health of the skin and the appearance of SMP. Use a fragrance-free, water-based moisturiser or SMP-specific aftercare products recommended by your SMP practitioner. Apply the moisturizer in a thin layer and gently massage it into the scalp.

  5. Avoid picking or scratching: It's important to resist the urge to pick or scratch the treated area, as this can disrupt the healing process and potentially affect the pigments. If you experience any itching or discomfort, consult your SMP practitioner for appropriate remedies or solutions.

  6. Follow post-care instructions: Your SMP practitioner will provide you with specific post-care instructions tailored to your individual needs. It's crucial to follow these instructions diligently, including any recommended medications, ointments, or topical treatments. Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor the healing progress.

  7. Be patient: SMP requires time for the pigments to settle and the scalp to fully heal. It's normal for the treated area to appear darker initially and for slight fading to occur during the healing process. Give your scalp ample time to heal, and trust the expertise of your SMP practitioner.


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